We live in an era where the word "Humanity" holds two meanings...one which exists only in Holy Books and the other in the world in which Humans exist...
-Priteesh C.
I can now say with assurance that we rightly call Gandhi as the father of this nation. We are accepting slaps after slaps on our faces, with a deceiving hope that our neighbors will co-operate. That WAS the most practical solution with best possible outcomes. May be they are not happy with the phenomenal progress we are making, and they choose to be the thorns in the running feet, unaware of the fact that we can carry them along. Again, root cause being, typical "Human" behavior is an absolute rarity nowadays, as expressed by myself earlier.
Changing minds is important. Terrorists in a way are quite unclouded. They know what their goal is. They are dedicated and determined. That is a positive trait they hold, unlike us. Also, we do not learn from them. We move on with our lives like any other day. A dedicated youth only can make a change. A casual attitude is the last thing we want. An alert and vigil mind will detect any foul play promptly. A short term memory too is not desirable. We need to learn from our mistakes made in the past and remember the learning with practical application so as to avoid early damage.
We must change our minds, and also try to bring about a change in theirs. Considering the intensity of fan following in certain subjects among us, it is not difficult to imagine that all celebrities collectively standing for a noble cause can bring about a drastic change in their minds. I believe their source of entertainment is not anything out of a few selected arenas- film, cricket, music, etc. And I believe there must be some sort of malleability or impressionability left in them. (If they are not really that primitive as yet!

Yes, changing minds is indeed important! We must now defeat the Gandhi in us. Even Bose was a dedicated leader! I wonder why we ignore him so much. Treating a single part won’t cure the disease. Putting out a flame won’t end the fire. Containing a side stream won’t stop the flood. Similarly catching hold of a handful of terrorists won’t end terrorism. We must reach the roots and destroy them, i.e. Afghanistan, Pakistan and the allied. Bose was indeed one step ahead of every one else! Innocent lives will be lost, but I would prefer calling it a “Sacrifice”. A sacrifice for a better, brighter future. For the world to be a better place to live in. Where “Humanity” in its pure form would REGAIN existence...
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